Climate Change for Energy Professionals – Part 1

By Charles Sartain on February 16, 2021 Gray Reed’s in-house Cassandra, energy partner Paul Yale, has set out to educate energy industry professionals, and anyone else willing to learn, on the latest developments in the climate change debate. Here is Part One, in which Paul reviews three books with differing points of view:  The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, by David Wallace-Wells; Apocolypse […]

Why Right-of-Way Matters

Why right-of-way through gate

All Title Matters Including a Right-of-Way Usually when there is a “play”, the client will want to know who owns the oil and gas rights, if they are open for leasing or if they are under a lease. Our job as a landman is to tell the client the facts and not what they want […]

How To Be a Good Landman

How to be a good ladman

Almost all landmen share the same story: they stumbled upon the land business, or at best, they have some friend or family member that is already a landman and decided to follow their steps.   There are universities that have land management programs that prepare students for the basics of the land business; however, there […]